
leaf peeping

Bright colors are richer through tinted eye wear.  So when you go leaf peeping this season, wear brown sunglasses.

Choose a narrow winding forest road and drive toward the sun.  When the breeze picks up, slow down and gaze up through the underbellies of sunlit leaves shimmying in the cool gusts. The leaves literally sparkle- like that full gold glitter gown Whoopi Goldberg dances in on the Sister Act stage.  Sequins fall one or ten at a time, tumbling twisting toward your windshield to join the others stirring on the road behind your tires.

The moving 3D panoramic visual can be a little whelming. You may feel like you are being gobbled up by some big beautiful well-dressed monster. But when you reach the stop sign, you’ll return to reality. Then you’ll u-turn and do it again.



If you live in Ithaca, I’m talking Hunt Hill Road ASAP.

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