I’m lamenting autumn’s pending ending. Especially this year, possibly the last of six beautiful years in New England where colorful hills spread like patchwork quilts. I love rereading old posts when seasons change. Here are snippets from a few fall favorites.
“My favorites are the sugar maples. They are such a glorious red! I can compare the color to nothing else. But if ever I see something such a beautiful red that I want to compliment it, then I will gladly compare it to a sugar maple.” from October I 2009.
“Gaze up through the underbellies of sunlit leaves shimmying in the cool gusts. They sparkle- like that full gold glitter gown Whoopi Goldberg danced in on Sister Act. Sequins fall one or ten at a time, tumbling twisting toward your windshield to join the others stirring on the road behind your tires.” from Regimen 2014
“Autumn is in full blow… like the chilled breeze is carrying a contagious cold making the trees sneeze leaves. Winter has already struck some bows bare while summer still lingers in a few branches.” from Nearly November in Portsmouth, NH 2009.
“Floating leaves are just yellow specs from here. I watch one fall red and ready from a dare devil tree on the rim above me, tumbling down down. down down. Few leaves fall so far. Few leaves are so intently watched.” from I Watched a Leaf Fall 170 Feet at Robert Treman in 2014.
“I’m lamenting autumn’s pending ending, but I am comforted by the simple line in a children’s book, ‘Winter is rest.’ Spring is rejuvenating; summer is invigorating; autumn is inspiring; and winter is recovering- like a prolonged Sabbath, quiet peaceful restorative.” from Like Three Seasons at Once 2014.
Last week we visited the Adirondacks. Perfect colors. Perfect weather. Here are some Instragram shares.