Sing Muddy Bird

Like a muddy bird in a sudden sunbeam,

For a moment, she believes she may fly,

But the moment passes and

She settles back down into the gray mud

Sing muddy bird!

Sing with all your might!

Let your whole self burst forth into song!


Someday, I will quit this place.

My hope will swell and

Fill me enough to float to yonder branches

And there I will see the sky

And feel the warm sun

And the dried mud will flake off

And I will breathe deep the better air

And throw back my head, fearless

And I’ll sing with my whole self,

Belly and tail feathers vibrating,

Trees and sky reverberating

With the fullness of my song!

Someday, when my hope swells.

But not yet.

The mud is still wet and heavy.

The branches are so thick.