This post is part of my series, Letters to My Children (more here). I wrote this letter to my daughter, though the message applies equally to sons.
My Daughter,
These years, as I pray for you and mother you, I pray also for your mother. You need a mother who will affirm and uphold you, who will love you unconditionally, who will instruct you with godly wisdom, who will seek the Lord daily herself so that she is equipped to be the mom you need. I prayed for her on your behalf this morning,
I pray for my daughter’s Mother. Help her to seek Her daughter, to see her needs, her dreams and her fears. May my daughter always feel treasured and known by Her. Please give my daughter’s Mother wisdom as She leads her into womanhood. And on the journey, may She always value her for who she already is, not for who She may want her to be. Help Her to see Her daughter as a girl designed by God, knit together in Her own womb, loved first by God and then passed to Her to cradle and kindle and guide. Teach her Mother how to help her be and become herself.
I pray that you will become the young woman (and someday old woman) that God intends for you to become- delighting in his presence and in his truth, experiencing his promises that he makes to those who delight in him, loving others with your whole heart and serving hands, peaceful and joyful always, built on a firm foundation. I write to help you to that end, not to press you into some mold that I made up for you. I love you.