“What is that?”

I’m looking forward to the “What is that?” questions.  Mom, what is that?  This is butter.  We can make some out of heavy cream sometime.  Where does cream come from?  From cows that go “Moo Moo.”  I’m using the butter to grease my skillet so that my eggs don’t stick.  What’s an egg?  This is an…

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It is hard to eat when you’re crying and hard to not cry when you’re too tired to eat.  Poor little guy.  He is sleeping soundly now and I am unpacking from our 2.3 week Texas trip.  Hello New Jersey= Hello cold. PinterestFacebookTwitterEmail

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Yesterday, I passed a flashy billboard with triple x printed across the sign.  I pictured those x’s being pushed on their sides and transformed ino the three crosses.   Such a transformation is not only theoretical but literal.  Jesus literally transforms us from our XXX state into a new creation 2Cor5:17 by what he did on the cross….

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He :)ed

Blue Eye’s eyes are still blue. I half expect them to turn Brown in the next few months because his eyes have not yet fully developed.  He did, however, pass one development milestone last week! He smiled a joyful little smile!  Here he is :)ing, but he also :Ds big open mouthed smiles that I just cant catch on…

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Day 4 of

being a stay-at-home mom.  I’m struggling to find time to do the dishes much less write.  Who ever thought that such a little person could require so much work?  No wonder nanny’s are so well paid.  I’m loving this new job so far!  I told Chris yesterday- well, I wasn’t talking to Chris, I was talking to the baby in earshot of Chris-…

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