Fighting Human Trafficking through Legislation

There are currently three bills being considered in congress that could dramatically improve conditions for child victims of sexual exploitation and enable better enforcement of US laws against human trafficking.  Look at the EPCAT website to learn how to support these bills.   Strengthening the Child Welfare Response to Human Trafficking Act of 2011 The Trafficking…

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Controversial Article

“…Erotic media perpetuates the objectification of humans, the rejection of love as selfless and the promotion of sex as recreation…and when we think a misuse of sexuality is okay, we might just be oppressing ourselves.” -Arleen Spenceley in her recent article, Is There Room for Erotica in Christianity? PinterestFacebookTwitterEmail

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This Saturday

Love True is hosting an awareness event July 21st at 6:30 pm. Come and learn about the sex trade in New Jersey, Love True’s vision and steps you can take to help fight sex trafficking. Expect light refreshments, live music, an information presentation, a question and answer time and prayer. PinterestFacebookTwitterEmail

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Chris and I visited Woodcreek Church in Dallas on Sunday.  We planned to go elsewhere, but I am thankful that we didn’t because I needed to hear the message spoken there.  I did not realize that I needed to hear the message until halfway through it.  I’ll share with you what I journaled in the…

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It’s a Small World

Fleet Week NYC

Chris and I visited a little church in the little town of Mt. Vernon, TX last Sunday where my parents introduced us to their realtor.  Not far into the conversation, we made a discovery. Realtor: “Oh I was in New York City just last week.  Did you go to the Tim McGraw concert for service members?” Chris: “Yes. …

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Steroid use in South Asian Brothels I decided between wearing blue or green. Why is it that some women deliberate over what color to wear while others over whether to take a livestock-fattening tablet or be beaten and starved? Think twice about what you think about.  Thanks Laura Joost for sending me this article. PinterestFacebookTwitterEmail

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Slave Free Chocolate for Valentine$ Day

I welcome The Hershey Company’s new commitment to improve supply chains, but it’s not enough.  Yes, I understand how capitalism works; yes, I am a capitalist, but no company should stoup to supporting child labor in order to make a buck.  Consumers, if we choose to support fair trade lines, we can drive the corporate giants toward just…

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Reasons for Inquiry

Jeremiah 10:21 says, “The shepherds are senseless and do not inquire of the Lord; so they do not prosper and all their flocks are scattered.”  Several proverbs warn about such consequences, but Jeremiah gives a specific example. If we do not inquire of the Lord, we are considered “senseless.”  Rom 9:16 and a proverb (that I…

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