>Hawaii II

>So yesterday was pretty much amazing here in paradise where mongoose run like squirrels. We rented a little 1996 convertible Geo Tracker for cheap and drove the full circumference of the island of Oahu with half a tank of gas. Amanda P, Steve, and Greg and me- we stuck the boys in the back seat…

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>Look I’m on the internet. We got up at 4am Tuesday morning (after sleeping only 3 hours) to make our flight, which was 8 hours long, and when we got to Hawaii, it was mid afternoon. So we went to bed as soon as the sun went down because we were so tired. Then we…

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>I’ve been thinking about what I was thinking about yesterday. I want trials to persevere through. It has been said to me before, “well of course you love Jesus, you have no troubles in your life.” Okay, I believe that I would love Jesus even if He did make me the next Job. I am…

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>”A woman’s heart should be so hidden in the Lord that a man has to seek God in order find her.” A man’s way should be so committed to the Lord that a woman would have to be hidden in God in order to catch his eye. PinterestFacebookTwitterEmail

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>Music Survey 1. What is music? (your personal definition) Music is an enthusiasticizing conglomeration of notes sent as soundwaves from various instruments or vocal chords to our ears to be enjoyed. Sometimes it relaxes, sometime it stirs us to dance, sometimes we make it and offer it as worship to God and sometimes when we…

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>Happy Thanksgiving. I’m at Grandmother and Grandaddy’s in Abilene, TX. It was sleeting outside! Now it snowing outside. Sweet tea and pumpkin pie. later…5 inches. and a snowman with a baby carrot nose from the fridge and packing peanuts for eyes, hair, and a smile. PinterestFacebookTwitterEmail

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>I did a wonderful Bible study right after my accountability group met this morning. I read 1 Peter 2:22LOVE ONE ANOTHER EARNESTLY with a pure heartMatt 9:37PRAY EARNESTLY to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest.Romans 12:11ishNEVER BE LACKING IN ZEAL. BE FERVENT in spirit, serving the Lord. PinterestFacebookTwitterEmail

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>I’m in Texas

>That was a crazy rapid adjustment. My brain and whatever subconscious emotional thing had trouble catching up with my body in the rush into school and country change plus intense amount of dancing with high expectations and the other stuff that’s going on all within what 5 days. I’m recovered now though. I just had…

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>It’s raining here. My hair is drying. It’s a good thing it’s not cold in here. Tomorrow is my last day in Cambridge. I bought some of the cookies that I eat around here. More for Carter than for me, I’ll let Carter sample each one of them. I climbed to the top of St….

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