Dormant Sugar Maples to Vivacious Palm Trees

  Chris and I fell asleep to the Christmas-tree-topper Chrysler building standing outside Brian’s window at 37th and Lexington.  I have labeled his 80 yr. old flat a “cozy little money-sucking fire hazard.”  He agreed.  I like it. We had spent our evening in New York carrying pumpkin spiced lattes through Times Square and Grand Central Station.  I got…

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>the head bone is connected to the ankle bone.

>”head>heart>feet>steps>walk” Stuff flows into our ears and eyes then infiltrates our minds and hearts. It is unlikely that something that enters our minds will not puncture our hearts whether it be truth or lie, pure or foul, love or lust. Additionally, it is impossible to disconnect the state of our hearts from our hands and feet and stride. In Matt….

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Zombies Perform Thriller in Market Square

>Every Halloween, a parade of wowingly costumed people marches through old downtown Portsmouth.  Seriously, these costumes are ridiculous and meticulous!  I do not think I saw a single storebought outfit.  There were characters from every movie, story book, and youtube video you could think of.  I saw the Knights That Say “Ni,” the Teacher from the…

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>”Sow a thought; reap an actionSow an action; reap a habit.Sow a habit; reap a character.Sow a character; reap a destiny.” Galatians 6:7-91 Corinthians 15:3Philippians 4:8 PinterestFacebookTwitterEmail

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>on modernity

>”w/ mechanistic and scientific views of the universe gaining hegemony & analytical minds swearing unyielding antipathy toward any invincible mystery that couldn’t be broken down by controllable parts, nation-states and their cultures rose above ecclesiastical influence.” Wow what a sentence. I could never comprise that. I read it in “A New Kind of Christian”by Brian…

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>You know what’s good. a glass of iced milk with poorly mixed peanut butter and cream cheese on apple slices while sitting indian style on the front porch steps watching people walk their dogs under the big still green oak trees barefooted yet wearing a sweater because the air is getting a little cold. You…

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