Pumpkins Spiced Lattes Available Next Week

Written from a rustic fabriced chair in an eclectic Tudor-style coffee shop. Across the street, Princeton University stands like a young fortress, the way that Cambridge may have looked in 1550. Classes start in 2 days and America’s smartest freshman scurry around clueless and bumping into things. Outside, summer is seasoned to taste with autumn. Sunflowers…

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Sit Down

Chris brought up an interesting point tonight when I almost fell in the toilet (ya slightly personal, but it supports my metaphor). He left the seat up again and I just sat down expecting to land on the seat. Since I am “very small (in his french accent),” I really did almost fall right in….

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Still in Boston. Still Spring.

>Sitting in a park in Boston.left: old brick wharfright: extension of soft grass under mestraight ahead: rows of Easter-colored tulipsbeyond tulips: teenage boy drumming on plastic pales, a kitchen pot, an iron skillet, and the concreteagainst my back: the trunk of a cherry blossom treeoverhead: 3-dimensional piece of art- pink clusters like densely packed bouquets…

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This Is the Stuff

Did you know that Volkswagens have locks on their hub cabs so that tires cannot be removed with standard tools? Well, after the auto shop could not find our key (prob bc the last auto shop accidentally kept it), I had to purchase a new one for a whopping $27.00 (we’re talking about a 3″x3″…

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>I have had multiple conversations lately with Christians who struggle with the lie that they are not good enough for ministry. They feel like someone else must be better equipped to do the job that they are being called to do. College students directing summer camps, young women mentoring youth, and youth leading younger youth…

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>Betty Botter Baked Bread & Snacked on Sesame Seeds by the Sea Shore

>No, I don’t know Betty Botter; I just wanted to combine two tongue twisters. Today, a woman-friend taught me the art of mixing, kneading, braiding, baking, and glazing homemade wheat & sesame seed bread. I felt like a 1940s housewife. Her whole adorable house smelled of firewood and bread dough. During rising and baking intervals,the…

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>Snow White v. Maid Marian

>interesting, huh? AND Little John does the exact same dance with Clucky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YineYdEwTAQ&NR=1 that Balu does with the orangutan in Jungle Book http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9cWkUhZ8n4&feature=related. BTW, the same actor plays both bear character’s voices. And in this same scene, a the band members are taken directly from Aristacats! Don’t tell me the love scene doesn’t remind you…

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Bandwagon Bobbleheads. My Try at Poetry.

>Big eyes in baby beds Bandwagon bobble heads Base drum, humdrum, clones on parade Saturdays in shopping malls Phone calls from bathroom stalls Pitter patter, bitter batter, bottled renegade Despondent fools on bar stools Buoyant boys on red bull Bad habits, “dag nabit”, old hopes delayed Sing along with Spinal Tap Hypocrisy’s a booby trap…

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