>Why would a company become more environmentally friendly or humanitarian?

>Gallup polls revealed that 65% of Americans would like to see major corporations having less influence and only 18% of Americans have confidence in big business. I agree with the majority here- I do not trust many big corporations, which are too often driven by money-hunger, but I like them better than big government. I…

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>Wouldn’t it be terrible to work at a landfill? It is so much better to just pretend they’re not there. . . . please sense my sarcasm. We need to live in a way that takes care of the earth. (I live on Staten Island- (New York City’s garbage dump until 1997. The landfill here…

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>I made apple pie by myself for the first time last week. I have made two since and they are dang ugly but boy do they taste good. 🙂 I have also spiced cider and toasted pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin bread cupcakes tomorrow! PinterestFacebookTwitterEmail

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I work in a historic village museum

Blacksmithing, tinsmithing, carpentry, basket making, rope making, weaving, quilting, butter churning, cider pressing, bread baking in a historic brick oven, apple butter making, stewing (beef, veg, pumpkin), Indian weaponry making, dulcimer playing, hay jumping, historic game playing, historic building touring… On week days I give tours the farm to elementary field trippers. The kids pick pumpkins,…

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>What Not To Buy

>http://www.amazon.com/Everyday-Justice-Global-Impact-Choices/dp/0830836284/ Many in my church are reading this book. I ordered it yesterday. In the meantime am looking through these websites. I do not want to be one of those Americans who unknowingly oppresses people elsewhere with my purchasing decisions. So I am trying to inform myself of “what not to buy” as well as…

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>Strong Woman

>The opening page of the book I am reading reads, “In loving memory of my mother whose strength always amazed me.” When I read that dedication, I wrote a prayer, “Lord, make me that kind of a woman. Show me how. Make your strength my strength and keep me thankful, prayerful, and humble. Amen.” I…

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>Child Trafficking Issue:

> http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/09/07/anatomy_of_an_adoption_crisis?page=0,0&sms_ss=email&at_xt=4cab4e70f4fe7cd1,0 Anatomy of an Adoption Crisis BY E.J. GRAFF | SEPTEMBER 12, 2010 “…The State Department was confident it had discovered systemic nationwide corruption in Vietnam — a network of adoption that was profiting by paying for, defrauding, coercing, or even simply stealing Vietnamese children from their families to sell them to unsuspecting Americans….

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