To the start-up starter uppers out there willing to work years as full-time unpaid staff because you are committed to a calling bigger than yourself, can I (along with nineteenth century evangelist and orphanage director, George Muller) encourage you? I put down Muller’s biography today to write a letter to two such friends. I hope it emboldens you too.
I want you to know, in case you are not often told, that I admire you. You live stretching dollars between unpredictable donations yet you do not second guess your devotion to the work God has placed in your hands. You have this beautiful quirky eagerness to work hard at something important without wages. You are hard pressed, but not shaken. You are zealous, determined, unrelenting, exhausted. You are staring down the American dream believing what you have is better than what it struts and pushes. This is a gift- God has placed compassion and readiness to serve in your hearts. And I am so thankful that you chose to squash the reasons not to live in this counter-cultural, totally optional way. You limit luxuries many peers take for granted- new things, cafe lunches, gasoline, books. You know I know it is not easy; and I know you know the Lord’s ways are good, including this rewarding, sometimes difficult path. Tearfully, I thank God for you.
Take courage. Let’s learn from a worker who has gone before us, equally stubborn and victorious. Have you heard of George Muller? From 1836 to 1898, 10,000 children passed through his orphan homes in England. Muller lived simply and selflessly with little regard for his own luxury. He was sincere, humble, full of faith, and the most prayerful person I’ve ever read. His life is proof that if “you pray until you get it,” God will do immeasurably more than all you could ever ask or imagine, according to His power at work within you (Eph 3:20). His stories are inspiring, so for the better part of this letter, I will let him do the talking.
Muller relied on the Lord totally, not only in caring for children, but also for his own living. Sound familiar? He was no “tent maker”- he devoted himself wholly to the orphanage, to spreading the gospel, and to prayer. He never once asked for money- he only prayed- and no orphan in his keeping ever lacked nor did he himself go hungry for their sakes. Often the Lord waited, for His timing is not our timing. Muller tells story after story of God’s miraculous and often last minute provision. He wrote, “for more than ten years, we had day by day to look to Him for daily supplies, and for a great part of the time, from meal to meal.” Many in such circumstances might think it a sign they had misheard God’s call. But Muller did not doubt. One night, Muller went to bed with no supplies to feed 2,000 children breakfast. But he prayed. And a wealthy local unaware of the need or the prayer, woke in the night compelled to send the whole orphanage breakfast! The Lord is reliable. Though He may delay, He will not forsake you.
Often, Muller did not know the answers, but that does not mean he was uncertain. Friends, when you are tempted by uncertainty and you fear barriers to opening a home for God’s beloveds are too many or you worry your own needs may not be met, rehearse your certitudes. God has chosen this way and He will see it through. I will not forget this testimony from Muller,
The difficulties appeared to me indeed very great… but at the same time, I am comforted by the knowledge that God is aware of all [we need] and that if this way be for the glory of His name, and for the good of His church and the uncoverted world, I am, by His grace, willing to go this way.
Another story. Muller desired to do mission work in China, so He started praying and took steps to carry out the work before the funds came. One September day, he received $5,250 ($135,000 in today’s dollars) for the work. Afterward, he wrote these words for me and you,
“This precious answer to prayer for means should be of particular encouragement to all who engaged in the Lord’s work , and who may need means for it. It proves afresh that if our work is His work, and we honor Him by waiting upon and looking to Him for means, he will surely, in His own time and way, supply them.”
Muller was not professionally trained. He did not begin with a clear vision for his life’s mission. He simply lived surrendered. God chose orphan care (because God loves orphans) and guided Muller unto it. He obediently opened a home for 30 girls and then a second for boys and God grew his work until 10,000 had been raised, educated and trained. Likewise, God has given to you the specific mission of protecting and restoring the hearts of His beloveds. He will continue to guide and provide one step at a time for His glory.
Remember the spring of 2012 when God gave every supply and service Love True needed even before we asked a soul for it? Lawyers, graphic designers, counselors, donors, agents, printing costs. The list goes on. Sometimes he delays. Case in point 501(c)(3) status. But as Muller testifies, “He will surely, in His own time and way, supply” all He knows you need. From founding a nonprofit with you and other experiences since, I have discovered firsthand that our omniscient omnipotent God’s promises are true. I have fuller faith than ever that He will start what He desires and that if we pray, He will prosper it and He will prosper His workers. Your prosperity may not look like the American dream, but it is truer and better.
In closing, let me share Muller’s answer to Charles Parsons when asked for special counsel in regard for his own work for the Lord,
“Seek to depend entirely on God for everything. Put yourself and your work into His hands. When thinking of any new undertaking, ask, Is this agreeable to the mind of God? Is it for His glory? If it is not for His glory, it is not for your good, and you must have nothing to do with it. Mind that! Having settled that a certain course is for the glory of God, begin it in His name and continue in it to the end. Undertake it in prayer and faith, and never give up!“
I know you know, but it is always good to be reminded. God has equipped you for this work. He has gifted you the faith you need to carry it out. He has designed you willing to indulge less so you can serve more. Do not take the weight upon yourself, leave it with Him, for you are but a vessel through which His mighty hand works. He will provide for your work. He will provide for you. Matthew 6:33. So pray.
I love you both,
Addressing Forced Prostitution of Local Youth and the Efforts of Love True
2 Corinthians 6:10
“Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything.”