>Market to Market to buy a…

>Today I went to a tiny art festival in a garden circle. a street guitarist stood by the fountain and sang familiar tunes and I gave him 20 pence. there was a jackson pollock-like painter with dreadlocks painting while he sold his work. lots of wood work and carpentry, pottery, jewelers- some making things while they sold them, handmade bags and blankets (I bought a cute iPod holder there), an odd metal worker, a candle maker- making candles out of bees wax-she winds the comb around the wick into a candle stick, photography, and flowers. but the flowers werent for sale.

I went after that to the open market and bought myself bread and cheese and a fruitdrink and bought flowers for my room. There was a rockout accordion player playing there- i didn’t know that was possible. I think I will buy some loose leaf tea and a pocket burlap’s work of coffee beans. Am I aloud to bring that into the U.S.?

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