Letters to My Children: Introduction

I keep a journal for each of my children where I write letters to them and prayers for them. Each child’s journal is unique outside and in. My hope is that some day, when they are 15 or 22 or 40, they will read my entries and be strengthened by these individualized encouragements from the one who knew them better than anyone in the world during those special early years. I hope too that they will be emboldened by the truths I impart, laugh at the memories I record and see how God answered their mother’s prayers.

Here on the blog I will share some of my entries, not the personal ones, but the ones I think will encourage you and that my kids wouldn’t mind me sharing. Of course, I write their names into their journals, but I will not do so here. My hope for this series is to  encourage moms like me who are dreaming big for their little ones and desire to disciple them both now and later.

Find entries like “Do Not Let Anything Dominate You” here and “A Prayer for My Daughter’s Mother” here.