Try personalizing stories from scripture by putting yourself in the shoes of Bible characters. Whether it’s Gideon in a winepress or Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb or a leper on the roadside, you can use your journal to ask good questions and apply characters’ experiences to your own life.
For instance, I remember journaling through the parable of the prodigal son and asking, Where am I in this story? Then it was obvious. I had been on my way home for a long time, but I was walking down a perpetual bend in the road. And, like the father in the parable, God was not tapping His foot on the porch ready to scold; He wanted to hug me! As I journaled, I realized that I just wasn’t believing in the grace I already had.
Journaling imaginatively with scripture can show you new things about God’s character and reveal many lies you’ve been believing. Often, God will teach you steadily through a string of journal entries, then surprise you by twisting them all together at once in a momentous epiphany that changes your trajectory.
Soon after my prodigal son revelation, I read about the Last Supper. At that meal, Jesus comforted the disciples, told them secrets, made incredible promises, gave them instructions and simply wanted to spend that time with them. When they sat down He said, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you” which translates, “I have been longing with longing to eat this meal with you.” As I opened my journal, I imagined Jesus saying that to me- “I have been longing with longing to spend this time with you! -to exhort you and comfort you and reveal my secrets and incredible promises to you, to teach you and to be with you, because I love you.”
Then I noticed that the first thing Jesus did at that supper was wash His disciples feet. As I journaled, God taught me more about grace. I considered that after He washed their feet, Jesus did not say, “Now let’s talk about this dirty water.” He didn’t make it the centerpiece on the table and lecture them about it. No, He probably dumped it out the window! That done, He could talk with them about all the other things that He was longing with longing to share with them. The disciples’ dirty smelly feet surely kept them from relaxing at the table with him and with one another… like how my shame had kept me from fully resting in the Lord’s presence or being genuinely at ease with friends. I imagined Jesus, pouring water into a basin and preparing to wash my feet if I would (finally) let Him.
In my journal, I made a bullet point list of the sins and mistakes that still felt caked on me- the big bad old hidden sins and little things that still bother me, like something silly I said 15 years ago. He eagerly brought to my mind many things I carried shame about- the things for which I was not believing in the grace I already had. When they were all in front of me, like a basin of dirty water, I pictured Jesus dumping them down the gutter. I repented of the fresh ones and sluffed off the old ones (those I had confessed over and over before without relief). Jesus wanted me to be free of all of them! So I crossed them off one at a time in my journal, thanking God for His forgiveness of each.
These two entries along with a few others culminated that night as God used my imagination and my pen to wash me off and bring me a true soul deep rest that I had not felt in so long. A rest that has not gone away since. That was the night, I got off the perpetual bend in the road.
I invite you to do that same.
Jesus is longing to spend time with you- to exhort you and comfort you, to reveal His secrets and incredible promises to you, to instruct you and just to be with you because He loves you. If you struggle like I did with caked-on shame blocking your experience of His presence, then open your journal and take off your shoes.
Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind the old mistakes, big and small, that He wants you to release today. None are too big or too stuck for Him to wash off. Write them down in a list and imagine Jesus washing them away one at a time. Then, when you feel done, picture Him dumping the list out the window. As they go, cross them off. Or you can even paint over the page or tear it out to flush or burn.
Imaginative acts like these may seem childlike, but they are powerful. Real and permanent changes happen in our spirits as we release baggage and receive the fullness of God’s grace. As you read the Bible, look for more images to interact with in your journal.
This guide was part of a Journaling Workshop taught for New Heights Church’s women’s ministry in July 2023. It is part of the Journaling Scripture Series.