>Tonight I went to an International Students Ministry in town. There were like 30 students there! They come here for the summer to learn English and this Christian team runs a cafe inside a gothic church fellowship hall and Asians, Eastern Europeans, and whoever else come there to work on their English and learn about Jesus. There are colorful tables set up all over the small, but high ceilinged, hall and we are welcome to just sit and chat about whatever over coffee or tea. A guitarist played and sang Jars of Clay songs quietly in the corner. They had a little drama to introduce Bible Study which they were invited to go to but not pushed. I went to but I didn’t talk much- I wanted to see the set up and how it was led. The leader was an Irish pharmacist and 7 people came. He read Luke 5 about the Paralytic very slowly then he explained some of the English words they might not know, then he broke down the concepts by asking questions and stirring discussion. So it helped them with reading skills and vocabulary and of course with learning who Jesus is. 2 of the foreign students in there were already Christians but the others were completely new and were very curious. After Bible study, I sat downstairs and talked to some guys from Slovakia, Japan, and Korea and we talked about predestination and about God’s guiding hand in our lives… and music.
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>See…I knew the Lord wanted you to reach the ends of the earth! SWEET!