God Does Not Hold Spontaneous Q&A Sessions

God does not hold spontaneous Q&A sessions. We shouldn’t procrastinate on prayer then dial in with awkward unfamiliarity asking for quick advice on a big decision. God reveals how to follow Him gradually over years of spending hours with him, meditating on scripture, and renewing our minds daily through practice and prayer.

As with fitness, we are always strong enough to do what we do often, whether that is lifting a toddler or lifting a barbell, walking a mile or running three. If we pray often, we are ready to pray anytime and ready to accept any answer. Or as Christine Caine put it, “You cannot get ready if you are not already ready.” God prepares us for the next chapter while we are in the previous one. You can't get ready if you're notSo spiritual couch potatoes cannot be ready to ask honestly, to hear well or to wholeheartedly obey an answer they do not like (Jer. 42).

When my husband enrolled in graduate school in 2013, we would have been fools to turn on the spiritual auto pilot saying, “The next three years are set. We can start praying for guidance again about… eh… 3 months before recruiting season.”


How much more beautiful is it to approach God with familiarity and pray Prayer B at the decision time instead of Prayer A. (see below)

Prayer A: God in heaven, I’ve got a big decision ahead. Sorry I haven’t talked to you much lately. I keep meaning to, but I’m just busy and well, I’m not as comfortable praying as I should be being a Christian and all. I want your input on this job thing and your help getting an offer. I’m feeling anxious about it. I think I read once that when I feel anxious, I should pray and you’ll give me peace. So please do that- give me peace. And I am pretty sure I remember from a sermon that I can ask for anything in your name and you’d do it. I don’t really understand that, but can you give me a job? Lead me to a job and city that I will like- I mean that you want me to go to. “Thy will be done.” Ya.  Tell me the answer somehow. Give me a sign or close all the doors but one or something. And uh please leave a door open. Because I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t get a job quick. There I am worrying again. You said not to do that. Can you give me some peace, please? And that job. Thanks. Amen.

Prayer B: God who sees me, I know you have a plan for my life and that you will show me in your timing (Eph 2:10Is 45:19). Morning by morning you have wakened me and opened my understanding to your will (Is 50:4). You have shown me that you are trustworthy, so I will rely on you (Is 30:18). And you have promised to provide for me when I trust you (Matt 6:33). I believe that as I look at my options you will tell me “This is the way, walk in it” (Is 30:21), and I will follow. Keep me near you so that I can hear you. Keep me from temptation to choose my own way (Is 50:10-11). Your kingdom come and use me in bringing it for my life is yours and not my own. You are good and your love is unfailing. Thank you, Lord. Amen

You can't get ready if you're not (1)

We grow more comfortable with prayer as we practice. I have pursued God more in the past two years than ever I have before. I cannot wait to see my prayers when I am 50 years old after 20 more years of experiencing God’s faithfulness. How could I be faithful to Him if I am not listening? I don’t practice just to hear His direction, but to become like Him and to bask in His glorious presence. No earthly thing brings more joy. I am convinced that squandering a year of knowing Him better would be crazy.

As with fitness, it is never too late to start practicing. Soon prayer becomes like muscle memory and we can look to the Lord day after day in sweet communion. If you have been “praycrastinating,” you can start now.

RESOURCES: If you need guidance or a kickstart to seeking God daily, I recommend groups like First 5 an alarm clock app from Proverbs 31 Ministries, She Reads Truth a collection of topical Bible readings and devotionals, IF:Equip a daily Bible reading and online discussionfrom the IF:Gathering women’s conference, or Hello Mornings curriculum and accountability groups. I usually just read through the Bible one book at a time alone with my journal and occasionally pull out a devotional book like Jesus Calling, My Utmost for His Highest, Morning and Evening, or Valley of Vision. The shop at Live Life Beautifully offers beautiful guided journaling resources.

What do you do for your Bible study and prayer?


How I made Bible Reading a Prayer a Daily Habit

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