I love traditions. To the point that I yearly wear my red socks when I decorate the Christmas tree while listening to Bing Crosby. (Sidenote: I recommend the Christmas Swing Station on Pandora.com.) I have been pondering traditions to start in our new little family.
For instance, on Easter Sunday morning, we’ll dye three batches of pancake batter different bright colors with food dye and have a big colorful pancake breakfast! Thanks Abby Knorr for the idea and the photos. Now I need a tradition to commemorate the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus when he washed away our sins by his grace. Let me know if you think of one.

The night we light the last candle will call for a big celebration of some sort- I need to figure that one out.
Maybe that can be when we do our most important Christmas tradition: choosing Jesus’s birthday present. As the kids get older, we will let them be creative with this one and come up with their own ideas, but at first we’ll use a resource like World Vision to donate a farm animal to a family or school supplies to students or money toward a clean well for a village. Thank you Zilas and Nussbaumers for this idea!
A Passover seder. (!!)To commemorate Jesus' death and resurrection. I haven't implemented one yet in my own home, but I will.Jesus is so beautifully obvious in the Passover to those whose eyes are opened. Link below is from Chosen People Ministries.http://www.chosenpeople.com/main/holidays-and-festivals/190-the-meaning-of-passover
Thanks. 🙂