We Borrowed a Ram
We expect lambs in May! Our “sheep guy” loans rams in exchange for one lamb come spring. When he delivered our loaner today, he had young ewes in to...
We expect lambs in May! Our “sheep guy” loans rams in exchange for one lamb come spring. When he delivered our loaner today, he had young ewes in to...
Today, the kids hung hammocks between the oaks. They built rock castles at the creek and picked blackberries in the fence line, followed by nosy sheep. They hun...
Poppies have given way to zinnias and the meadow is bright with black-eyed susans. The bees like the white clover best. Our beekeeper, Brian Bailey, has a goal ...
It has been an eventful few weeks on our three Ozark acres. This spring, we bought three Kathadin sheep! They will mow the pasture for us and give us lambs to s...
Our 11-year-old son sells rabbits at $25 each. His does, Annie and Beatrix, are standard-sized Rex rabbits. His buck, Moses, is part Rex and part New Zealand. R...
Buy pork locally from Sparrow Springs Family Farm! Our meat is USDA inspected, frozen, vacuum sealed and raised in the fresh air right here in Tontitown, Arkans...
Hello from the Hunts! In 2019, we decided to work remotely and homeschool in the Ozark foothills. Four years later, a lot is happening on our three hillside acr...