Bookend Your Year with Stillness

We are silent in the early hours of each day, because God is supposed to have the first word, and we are silent before going to sleep, because to God also belongs the last word.  – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Bonhoeffer said to begin and end each day with silence and stillness. I imagine the hours as books on a shelf with stillness holding them in place like bookends. Similarly, the months of the year are bookended by stillness at the end of December and beginning of January.

Fortunately, our culture has built stillness into the beginning and end of each year. For most people, the days between Christmas and New Years are slow. So, let’s take the opportunity to sit still with God and ask Him questions about the year behind and the year ahead- like bookends. 

Here is a prayer guide for you. Use a journal if you like or just sit alone and undistracted to wait on the Lord and ask Him a few questions. Like Bonhoeffer would say, be silent in order to give God the first and last word of your year. Let God encourage you, correct you and set your course as you look back on 2024 and ahead to 2025.


Use the acronym, PRAY, to guide your time.  

P stands for Pause

R for Reflect 

A for Ask  

Y for Yield  

First, Pause. Place your palms face up in your lap in a position of releasing and receiving- ready to release to the Lord things you’ve been clinging to and receive from Him anything you’ve been resisting. Spend two minutes simply breathing in this position. Take long breaths in through your nose, holding 3 seconds before releasing slowly until you reach a state of rest. 

Next, Reflect. You can picture yourself standing on a scenic overlook with Jesus looking out over the landscape of 2024. Recall experiences, relationships, work, service, rest, play, quiet times and habits. Then ask God two questions: 

  1. R stands Rejoice and Receive. Ask, Lord, what did you enjoy about me this year? 

God delights in us more than we let ourselves believe. Keep your hands open in a position of receiving and take a moment to let God encourage you personally and specifically. Let Him rejoice over you- He likes you.

Psalm 139:17 “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I cannot even count them.”

  1. R also stands for Repent and Release. So, without giving voice to shame (because God never shames), Ask God, What are some things from 2024 that You don’t want me to carry into 2025? 

Give God permission to correct any belief, motive, attitude, idol or habit that He wants you to repent of or release to Him. Maybe it’s fear or guilt, perfectionism, judgement of yourself or others, worry, pride, ambition, striving, unforgiveness- whatever he brings to your mind. Your hands may reflexively shut as something passes through your mind- that is a sign that you have been clinging to it. Entrust those things to God. Ask, Lord, what are you inviting me to release to you right now? 

1 Peter 5:7 “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

Last, Yield. Y stands for Yield and Your Yes. With your hands still open in the position of submission, turn your attention from 2024 to the mysterious landscape of 2025. Daydream with God about how you could work, serve, play, rest and connect with people and Him next year. Pray, Lord, I trust you. What do you want me to know about the year ahead? What do you hope I receive from you and entrust to you in 2025? Wait expecting Him to answer, then Yield to Him with your hands open and say, Yes.