Labor on Labor Day: Birth Story

The good thing about titling a post as a “birth story” is only people interested in birth stories will read it. That’s your warning. But don’t worry I won’t stray too far into the TMI zone.

My midwife recommended that, since my previous labor had lasted only 50 minutes, I should head to the hospital if certain symptoms were present, contractions or not. When I came in yesterday, I was 5cm dilated, 80% effaced and very not in labor. Thankfully, I did not go home.

I opted to stay the night while Chris took our two kiddos home. At 9:45pm, I laid down to sleep. That didn’t last long! I had two strong contractions at 10:40 then when I leaned forward for my nurse to attach the monitor, my water burst and frequent intense contractions followed. Going from “I think I’ll sleep now” mode to transition is a bit of a shock, the downside to a 21-minute labor. My nurse called my midwife and I called my husband not expecting that neither would make it to the hospital in time. So three 20-something-year-old nurses scrambled into the room, one of whom had led a delivery once. All four of us were a little frenzied. I wasn’t scared, but was kind of going crazy, grabbing the bed rails trying to breathe but yelling instead kind of crazy. Onset of labor had just been so sudden. And so painful. I felt a bit like a bucking horse surrounded by trainers- the nurses formed a semi-circle in front of me each holding her hands up trying to calm wild-eyed me. When I realized I was going to have the baby without my midwife or my husband there, I knew I had a choice: stay crazy or get cocky. It’s funny how things and thoughts move fast and slow at the same time in labor. Everything is acute yet everything is a blur. I decided to get cocky. Hey, I knew what I was doing.

When my demeanor changed the nurses’ did too and the delivery went smoothly. They did a great job. And I did too if I may say so myself. I mean, I was still yelling. But more like an Amazon warrior woman than a frantic mare, so I was proud of myself. My son was out in two solid pushes and in my arms a minute later. He was hardy and beautiful.

“Sweet boy,” I said, stroking his head. “Wait is he a boy?”

“I don’t know we forgot to check!” a nurse lifted this blanket. “Yes. He’s a boy!”


My midwife rushed in, still in her street clothes and Chris strolled in with my bag, not knowing I had already delivered. He came over to kiss me then startled backward, “Whoa! That’s a baby!” Hilarious. “Yep.” We both just laughed, except that I was still shaking all over and breathing heavy. After that, we signed the admission papers. That’s right- I hadn’t even been admitted yet since I was only “under observation.” Craziest 20 minutes of my life. It is a very good thing I stayed at the hospital. Had I gone home, no doubt this little guy would have been born in the kitchen or the car and this would be a very different blog post.


Baby #3 is healthy and adorable at 7lbs 6oz and 20.5 in. I spent most of my day today staring and smiling at him. Now starts life as a mommy of three! Three under four years old. Whew!



Birth Story (2011)

The Fullness of Emptiness 

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  1. What a trooper!
    Chris is so blessed to have you as his wife and partner.
    Very, very,very proud of you Heather!
    My mom sends her blessing…she endured three sons!

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