Favorite Spring Time Picture Books
Here in California, spring comes in late February. What an adjustment for us after living in Upstate New York! We love taking a stack of books and cups of coco...
Here in California, spring comes in late February. What an adjustment for us after living in Upstate New York! We love taking a stack of books and cups of coco...
So your child is interested in horses (or beetles or manta rays or castles). If you already read my post, Library Books and Rabbit Trails, you know how great a ...
This letter to my son is part of the Letters to My Children series. Learn more about these letters here. October 2016 Son, As you grow into a man, you will navi...
I keep a journal for each of my children where I write letters to them and prayers for them. Each child’s journal is unique outside and in. My hope is tha...
At my local women’s Bible study, an elderly widow stood up. In tears, she timidly let out a secret. “I miss my husband and nobody touches me anymore...
Individuals and organizations raising awareness about social justice issues may adopt one of two different approaches: harsh or gentle. One website may jar the ...
Once a week, summer camp staff woke before sunrise because, as tired as we were, we found Matt Lantz’s Bible studies more invigorating than sleep. I admit...
This month, Love True launched its blog and invited me to join its crew of writers! For their first post, head blogger, Jackie, interviewed the founders (read R...
I don’t know about you, but after communion, I want more bread. Maybe it is just because I come to church hungry. No, not figuratively- like literal belly-rumbl...
Sunrise is muffled by a pale veil, but the snowy ground glows. The scene framed by my window pane looks like spray paint on sidewalk chalk: The sky is three pas...
The now viral #WomenNotObjects video highlighting ads that objectify women was posted on January 11- that’s Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Coincidence? Probab...
Most people reading this article already know about and maybe even advocate for victims of sex trafficking. But many readers do not know about its correlation t...
My friend, Sue exemplifies the godly advice to “love the people in front of you.” Every week, she hosts a playgroup for over seven mommas and their toddlers. Su...
Full of zeal, we may ask God to use us for some great purpose. “I’ll do anything,” we pray. But when the call to help a hurting neighbor is uncomfortably unpred...
God does not hold spontaneous Q&A sessions. We shouldn’t procrastinate on prayer then dial in with awkward unfamiliarity asking for quick advice on a ...
Sometimes Colossians 3:12 hits me over the head. I missed my quiet time this morning and was not exactly tender-hearted toward my children when they swarmed me ...
Patience is virtue that babies have yet to cultivate. Especially hungry ones. When I lift my son from his bed he wiggles all over with excitement. “I̵...
Inside the back cover my journals, I grow a list of little things I am thankful for. I started the habit after reading Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gi...
I’m lamenting autumn’s pending ending. Especially this year, possibly the last of six beautiful years in New England where colorful hills spread lik...
One quarter of the 400,000 children in the foster care system are waiting to be adopted. One quarter of those adoptable youth will not be adopted; rather they w...
The good thing about titling a post as a “birth story” is only people interested in birth stories will read it. That’s your warning. But don’t worry I won’t str...
Many of us, when we think of sex trafficking, picture Thailand or Moldova, not New Jersey. The truth is that the sex trade is big business here in the United St...
As a youth, I experienced spikes in spiritual zeal after retreats, mission trips and concerts. Then I’d fizzle out like a flat Coke a week or few later. My peer...
Rerouting to Homeschool Planning Guides I, II and III. I have divided this post into three parts: Homeschool Planning Guide I: Finding your Daily Rhythm Homesch...
When I discover a noteworthy truth, I like to paraphrase it and write myself into it. The exercise helps me swallow the passage and critically apply its lesson....
Hosting a Noonday Collection trunk show is one great way to make a twofold difference! As Christians, we are called to seek justice by helping the poor, the opp...
Jesus talks about money more than any other topic and much of the time, He brings it up in connection with doing justice. I have been compiling a list of these ...
We all feel it- the need to know that we matter. Truly, each of us matters. A lot. We just can’t see the truth when we are looking for it in all the wrong...
Ted Haynes, current campaign chair of the Tulsa Area United Way, encourages staff, volunteers and donors by telling his story. Well, it isn’t his story. I...