Printable One-page Journaling Guides
Click the images below to view and print Prayer Journaling Guides from the Fayetteville Prayer Room. If you are using your phone, I recommend viewing them in ...
Click the images below to view and print Prayer Journaling Guides from the Fayetteville Prayer Room. If you are using your phone, I recommend viewing them in ...
We are silent in the early hours of each day, because God is supposed to have the first word, and we are silent before going to sleep, because to God also belon...
Every Sunday in December, we add another candle to our Advent wreath. By Christmas Day, five bright candles light up the table. So, we open up the children̵...
Like a muddy bird in a sudden sunbeam, For a moment, she believes she may fly, But the moment passes and She settles back down into the gray mud . Sing muddy bi...
This piece first appeared as a daily devotional for [in]courage ministry by Dayspring. Incourage created the accompanying image. For years, I’d confess and re-c...
A glow in your gut Hidden somewhere under your ribcage Dim, like poisoned Tinkerbell. You want to believe! You want to believe! So, reach down and wrench it out...
Many Christians settle for salvation, then wait for heaven. We read about the freedom and wholeness Jesus proclaims, and we dream about the peace and joy that s...
I often use my journal to pry into my own subconscious thoughts. When I am tense and don’t know why, I ask myself questions and follow the thought-train it rele...
I like to think of time in solitude as breathing in and breathing out. In solitude, BREATHE IN scripture. Expect God to speak to you personally as you read. Som...
We expect lambs in May! Our “sheep guy” loans rams in exchange for one lamb come spring. When he delivered our loaner today, he had young ewes in to...
You may already know about the 2023 revival at Asbury University. A weekly chapel gathering lasted for weeks. We drove to Kentucky to experience it ourselves. W...
Many of the journaling guides I have shared integrate scripture reading, but none tell how to simply use your journal in your personal Bible study. So here begi...
Exhort means “to spur on, build up and encourage… to reprove, rebuke and correct.” Some of us have trouble letting God encourage us, while some of us have...
The Bible is full of promises, precepts and descriptors. When you read one, stop and journal it. JOURNALING SCRIPTURE’S PROMISES When I read something in ...
Try personalizing stories from scripture by putting yourself in the shoes of Bible characters. Whether it’s Gideon in a winepress or Mary Magdalene at the empty...
Today, the kids hung hammocks between the oaks. They built rock castles at the creek and picked blackberries in the fence line, followed by nosy sheep. They hun...
Poppies have given way to zinnias and the meadow is bright with black-eyed susans. The bees like the white clover best. Our beekeeper, Brian Bailey, has a goal ...
It has been an eventful few weeks on our three Ozark acres. This spring, we bought three Kathadin sheep! They will mow the pasture for us and give us lambs to s...
“Cast all your cares on Him. For He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 An Invitation to Rest Once your Bible and journal are open, you are in a sacred space. Prepare y...
I often use my journal to pry into my own subconscious thoughts. When I am tense with worry or am nervous about a decision, I ask myself a few simple questions....
The night before Jesus died, he told the disciples that the Holy Spirit would “teach [them] all things and bring to remembrance all that He had said to [t...
As I read the gospel accounts of Easter week and studied a Bible commentary, Mary Magdalene stood out to me. I imagined her experience and felt her emotions alo...
PEOPLE OF NEW HEIGHTS | Heather Hunt Healing Through Fasting . I have always been dependent on food. As a child, I was hospitalized nine times because my pancre...
Our 11-year-old son sells rabbits at $25 each. His does, Annie and Beatrix, are standard-sized Rex rabbits. His buck, Moses, is part Rex and part New Zealand. R...
Buy pork locally from Sparrow Springs Family Farm! Our meat is USDA inspected, frozen, vacuum sealed and raised in the fresh air right here in Tontitown, Arkans...
Hello from the Hunts! In 2019, we decided to work remotely and homeschool in the Ozark foothills. Four years later, a lot is happening on our three hillside acr...
Every semester, I revise my kids’ weekly to-do lists. I slide the sheets into a plastic sleeve for them to check off with a wet erase marker. Twice a day,...
This encouragement was written for Ozark Worship Night in Fayetteville, AR in December 2022. When we bring our cares to the Lord, there are some cares that He t...