I like to think of time in solitude as breathing in and breathing out.
In solitude, BREATHE IN scripture. Expect God to speak to you personally as you read. Sometimes, a concept or phrase in the Bible will stand out- that’s the Holy Spirit preparing to reveal something wonderful to you. So, stop and copy the verse into your journal, expecting thoughts to flow. God may beef up the thought by bringing to your mind song lyrics, quotes, metaphors, images, stories, memories or past encouragements from friends. You’ll sit back a few minutes later with wisdom on the pages that did not come from you!
I have experienced paradigm shifts this way. God likes to teach bit by bit through a series of entries. Then one day, He strings them all together to blow my mind and change me from the inside out. A podcaster can’t do that- just the Holy Spirit, in solitude.
In solitude, BREATHE OUT your emotions. One of the biggest lessons, a prerequisite I would say, to formation in solitude is believing that God is big enough and interested enough to hold your emotions. Even the best parents couldn’t because they are limited, but that is not a reflection of God. You do not have to worry that you are too much for Him or that He is too busy for you or too bored with you. He is very interested and very able.
I simply ask Jesus questions about what I am feeling and write it out raw and real and deep, ready for Him to comfort me or convict me, whichever I need at the time. As I submit my emotions to God, He heals me of hidden wounds and fulfills buried longings.
Here is a journaling guide for letting God reshape you a little at a time:
Firstly, spiritual growth starts in solitude. So, the first step in intentional growth is carving out time to be alone with God. If you want to make solitude part of your days this year, decide now when and where are you going to do it. Choose your slot, spot and que:
- Your spot is the place you take your quiet time- your arm chair, a coffee shop, the break room.
- Your slot is the time of day- 6am, 1pm, 8pm.
- And your cue is the reminder that triggers the start of your quiet time. Your cue may be putting your toddler down for a nap or turning on the coffee pot or finishing the dishes. If you choose a 6AM slot, you can set your Bible and journal out in your spot the night before to serve as a que.
Next, invite God to look into your heart. Ask Him to help you recall and name some emotions you have felt in recent months. Some will be positive: Hopeful, grateful, valued, bold, joyful, secure, peaceful, refreshed, content… Some will be negative: frustrated, confused, discouraged, anxious, afraid, ashamed, disappointed, angry. Just jot down every emotion that comes to mind.
Now, look over your list, expecting God to highlight a word. When one stands out, circle it.
Next, ask God what He wants to tell you about the emotion you circled.
The Lord may want to sit with you and comfort you in an emotion like grief or disappointment. Or He may want to gently correct you and encourage you about something like resentment or fear. He may invite you to surrender something unexpected. He may high-jack your pen and write you a love letter. Follow His lead. And do it again soon.
In my journal entries, I am honest- there, I write real and raw and deep. I give myself the freedom to get messy without expectations of a tidy conclusion. Sometimes the process takes months. Sometimes I need a friend or counselor to join me along the way. God is so gentle and patient. He is not in a hurry. He wants to steadily heal us from old hurts, free us from lies and transform us from the inside out. Come to Him vulnerably in solitude again and again, expecting Him to reveal more and more over time.
Pray: Lord, I trust you. I believe You are mightier and more loving than I can comprehend. I believe that you are big enough and interested enough to hold my emotions. You are the one who formed my inward parts; you chose my gifts and talents. You know my anxious thoughts; you see my past sins and future endeavors. You are eager to forgive all and share deeply with me, ready to encourage my longing heart. This is not a scary position, it’s a no-defenses, restful place, fully known and fully loved. I invite you to soften my heart. I ask you to reveal yourself to me more and more. I ask too that you would reveal things that you want me to surrender to you.
Thank you Heather. I have never been in touch with my emotions. Committed to Learning more about this this year! I appreciate your wisdom and insight!!
I’m so glad I stumbled into your site through Facebook. I know how I got there since it’s obviously never “just stumbling” when you know Jesus. I’m crying as I read the entries and I know the Lord is doing something. I need it! Thank you Heather!
I am so glad! God is good! Thank you for the note! I miss you. H