I got in from my long trip at 9pm. It was actually a little cold here in Maine. I had to to put on a cardigan and my pretty purple knee length light coat with a cute hat in order to walk down town comfortably. It was so neat- I got that feeling I had when I was in England again. It was dark and quiet so I could hear the current and the lights reflecting off the fast-moving water looked so neat. The tide was higher than I’ve ever seen it, I think. I caught a down feather in midair while I was crossing the draw bridge. I felt fortunate. :). i feel comfortable here. I am so glad that I got to be here with Chris for a whole 2 months before I had to be here by myself.
I chose to eat at the Press Room! What a neat spot: brick walls, low old wooden rafters, pew-like booths, dim lighting, an age-stained bar, and instruments in the corner! A live Jazz band was playing. I think they had been playing for a while based on how much they were sweating and the time. All I could see of the pianist was a bobbling bald head, the base player had that Harvard professor look that all base players have, the guitarist reminded me of a friendly uncle, & the drummer was in the black beret that you expect the base player to wear. I peeled off my outer layers, hung my hat on a heavily used hook and perched in a cozy booth adorned with weird local art. I ordered a Guinness with a cup clam chowder and field green salad. A girl told me that I smelled good (random) and I journaled most of the time. I think I will frequent that place.