Journaling Vulnerably: Trust and Transformation
Many Christians settle for salvation, then wait for heaven. We read about the freedom and wholeness Jesus proclaims, and we dream about the peace and joy that s...
Many Christians settle for salvation, then wait for heaven. We read about the freedom and wholeness Jesus proclaims, and we dream about the peace and joy that s...
I often use my journal to pry into my own subconscious thoughts. When I am tense and don’t know why, I ask myself questions and follow the thought-train it rele...
I like to think of time in solitude as breathing in and breathing out. In solitude, BREATHE IN scripture. Expect God to speak to you personally as you read. Som...
We expect lambs in May! Our “sheep guy” loans rams in exchange for one lamb come spring. When he delivered our loaner today, he had young ewes in to...