Yesterday, I passed a flashy billboard with triple x printed across the sign. I pictured those x’s being pushed on their sides and transformed&...
Yesterday, I passed a flashy billboard with triple x printed across the sign. I pictured those x’s being pushed on their sides and transformed&...
The average baby does not like being naked and hates diaper changes. He does not kow how important it is that he be cleaned, but his mother does. She lovingly...
Our new little family has come home to Texas to see the grandparents for Christmas. I found these pictures here on my mom’s computer. Click fo...
I had Dublin Dr. Pepper and BBQ for lunch then chili cooked in Shiner Bock beer for dinner. Today was a good day.
Here is an abridged list of descriptions of God’s people from scripture. Scripture is true; these words are true for people who belong to God; you b...
Have you ever watched a movie that you hadn’t seen since childhood and realized how completely you had misunderstood the plot. I have done that seve...