6:55AM. I went hiking in pajama pants and dress shoes.
I accidentally found a lakeside hiking trail when I got lost on my way home from our friend’s apt, where Chris and I crashed after attending a military ev...
I accidentally found a lakeside hiking trail when I got lost on my way home from our friend’s apt, where Chris and I crashed after attending a military ev...
Blacksmithing, tinsmithing, carpentry, basket making, rope making, weaving, quilting, butter churning, cider pressing, bread baking in a historic brick oven, ap...
We drove to Western New Jersey where the October hills are covered with a patchwork quilt of heathered red, orange, yellow, and green fabrics. We wound down cou...
>A devotional that my dad wrote was published in The Upper Room devotional book this week. 🙂 Here is the link: http://www.upperroom.org/devotional/default.as...
>http://www.amazon.com/Everyday-Justice-Global-Impact-Choices/dp/0830836284/ Many in my church are reading this book. I ordered it yesterday. In the meantime...
>The opening page of the book I am reading reads, “In loving memory of my mother whose strength always amazed me.” When I read that dedication, I...
> http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/09/07/anatomy_of_an_adoption_crisis?page=0,0&sms_ss=email&at_xt=4cab4e70f4fe7cd1,0 Anatomy of an Adoptio...
>(http://www.upperroom.org/devotional/) in which a British woman named Emma wrote, “Sin clouds my sense of God’s nearness.” The line could ...